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  • Writer's pictureAshley

I am on my way!

It’s 1.30pm on Sunday 19th January and my train leaves in 30 mins.I‘m running late and I haven’t even started my trip! It is later that I realise the significance of rushing out the door to catch the train.

2 days prior to leaving I had already received some unwelcome news telling me that my bike had not made the scheduled flight to Nairobi due to a security issue in the Heathrow cargo storage facility. So at this point I am unsure when I will be reunited with my Yamaha T7; I am told the delay will only be an additional 2 days. Any longer and this will bugger up my pre booked accommodation later down the line.

So I finally make it to Heathrow airport with plenty of time before the flight leaves. Great, I can have a beer and relax. It was at that point that I realised the consequences of leaving home in a rush. I had forgotten my Tom Tom Sat Nav with all of the preprogrammed routes for my 2 month trip. This is a real problem.

After many calls and texts I managed to get the Sat Nav DHL’d to my hotel in Nairobi, but now it is another waiting game for the Sat Nav to arrive,as well as my bike. So looks like I might be staying in Nairobi for longer than expected.

It must be beer o clock!

Whilst downing my first beer in the Nairobi Hilton and contemplating how I was going to fill the extra days in Nairobi without my bike, I realised how tight the security is here. An armed Security Guard standing 30 ft away from me was checking every vehicle in and out of the hotel before the automatic bollards were lowered. He was even using a mirror to check underneath the cars Whilst supporting what looked like an AK47.

Looks like I am going to have to watch my back on this trip!

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Jan 21, 2020

Chill Ash things will sort out relax and enjoy the next couple of days your journey will start soon enough enjoy and ride safe buddy 🏍👍🏼


Jan 20, 2020



Jan 20, 2020

Glad you arrived safely , what a pain leaving something so important behind 🤔 I hope the bike arrives soon and you can get on your way. Nairobi flower market used to be amazing if you are killing time 😃

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